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Do you know?

Free Blog submission sites are one of the most popular and famous techniques of off-page SEO.

In this post, I will be covering the best blog submission sites in 2025 which can help you with SEO.

Building a blog from scratch is much easier than before, but getting high-quality backlinks is more difficult, so submitting your blog to a free blog submission website can be a good option in the initial stage.

Also, read:

There are two significant benefits of submitting your blog on the top blog submission sites list in 2025.

One it will help you to promote your newly born blog or website on the authority sites.

And the second is you can build some high-quality backlinks for your blog or website.

Once you submit your blog to the blog submission sites, then it will help you a lot to improve your search engine ranking.

SERP results depend on the number of backlinks of your blog or site.

Many bloggers like me are very careless or lazy about submitting their blogs to free blog submission sites, which affects their blog’s SERP.

High Domain Authority directory submission sites are the best solution for beginners who are struggling to build backlinks for their blogs.

Therefore, I suggest you all newbies submit your blog or websites to blog free blog submission sites list 2025, just a few days after bringing your blog to this planet.

If you do it then, believe me, guys, you can bring more targeted organic traffic from these free article submission sites list 2025.

What are Blog Submission sites?

The process of writing a blog post is a time-consuming process, and it can take hours or even days to create an article.

While blogging is an important part of SEO, the time required for blogging can make it difficult to keep up with your other tasks.

If you are new to the process of blogging, you may want to consider submitting your posts to online submission sites.

These sites allow you to quickly submit your work without having to wait for your post to be accepted.

By submitting your work to these sites, you can keep up with the demands of your other tasks while also improving your reputation in the SEO community.

By using submission sites, you can spread the word about your blog and increase its visibility in search engines. As more people share your posts, this will help increase your site’s traffic.

Blog submission or blog directories sites allow you to submit your blog and blog posts on their website for free.

So, you can get high-quality backlinks from these websites.

These blog directories submission sites also help you to get more traffic to your blog or website.

Just a minute.

If you submit your blog or websites to the directories with have low Domain Authority (DA) or which are dead.

Then there are chances that Google can penalize your blog or website.

So, I suggest you submit your blog to the sites that have 25 or high DA which I have shortlisted for you.


Image Credit: MasterBlogging.com

If you have no idea how to submit blogs to the directory submission sites, then don’t worry, I am here to help you.

It is effortless, and you will understand in a minute with the help of the image below:

It is a quite simple process.

Let me explain to you in a few words.

When you submit your website or blog to Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, etc.

Then before indexing your web pages in search results, it checks for the number of backlinks for your blog or website.

So, if you want to rank your blog post on the first page of the search result, then you should build some quality backlinks for your blog.

And submitting your blog to these blog submission directories will help you to improve SERP.

Having your blog post in the top search result also helps you to increase your blog traffic and it improves your Alexa rank as well.

Why Submit Your Blog to Free Blog Submission Sites?

There are lots of reasons for that.
Let’s understand the advantage of blog submission sites.

  • It helps you to build high-quality backlinks for your blog or website.
  • It helps you to increase organic or direct traffic to your Blog in little time.
  • It helps you to improve your Blog’s Alexa Ranking.
  • It helps you to get some Targeted Traffic in the Blog.
  • It improves your SERP

So, I hope now you have understood the importance of blog submission sites. If you still have any questions mention them in the comment below.


I have a tip for you to submit your blog to 100+ Blog Submission Sites easily.

I know it is not an easy task to submit the blog or websites to 100+ blog submission sites.

It will consume you so much precious time. So, to avoid this difficulty and to save you time, I want to share my secret strategy with you.

And you can submit your blog or website to 225+ blog submission sites in little time.

You need to follow the following tips to make your task easy:-

Open the notepad and copy your all blog or website URL here.

Now, for each blog or website URL, write a few lines description with its heading.
And save this file.

Now open blog submission sites and copy and paste the URL, title, and description into each of the blog submission sites.

Believe me, guys, if you will follow these simple steps, then you can submit your blog to multiple blog submission sites in less time.

I too use this method to submit my blogs in the profile creation submission sites list.

I recommend you create a Notepad file before submitting your blog to blog submission directories.

30 High DA & PA Blog Submission Sites List 2025

I have manually verified the below 30 blog directories with high DA & PA.

So, at least you must submit your blog or website to the below blog directories submission sites to get backlinks and targeted traffic from it.

Here is the list of free blog submission sites in USA and free blog submission sites in India.

If you wish to publish a guest post on a popular website that has 44+ DA and DR, then click here to get the details.

S.N.Blog Directories NameDA
1. Boing Boing88
2. Alltop70
3. On Top List58
4. Entire Web52
5. Blog Adda50
6. Indiblogger.in50
7. Blog Listing48
8. Blogarama45
9. Blog Flux44
10. Blog Hub43
11. Plazoo42
12. Blog Collection41
13. Blog Top Sites41
14. Bloggernity40
15. Blog Roll Center38
16. Blog Engage37
17. So Much37
18. Fuel My Blog36
19. Sonic Run36
20. Cipinet Web Directory35
21. Pegasus Web Directory33
22. Blogging Fusion32
23. 1Abc Directory32
24. Blog Directory31
25. Blog Ville30
26. Best of the Web 66
27. Us Family Guide 59
28. Fuel My Blog 56
29. Blogarama80
30. Plazoo 68

Now, I have a massive list of blog submission websites.

225+ Blog Submission Sites list 2025 to Submit Your Blog

These are the top 225+ free blog submission sites list 2025, where you can submit our blog or website.

So, if you want to create high-quality backlinks for your blog or website, then so must submit your blog or blog posts to these sites.

I will continue to update this list regularly so that this article will be helpful for all of you.

Pro Tip.
I suggest you submit your blog to 25 high DA & PA sites which I have added above.

I request you don’t submit your blog or website with low DA blog submission sites. Else Google may penalize your blog or website.

If you want to submit your blog or website in the blog submission sites which are given below in the list, then make sure to check the DA and PA of these submission sites using MOZ DA Checker.

You can submit your blog posts to this list of blog sites.

These are the best free blog sites where submission of your blog post is so easy and you’ll not only receive a backlink but also traffic from these free website submission sites.

  1. http://www.addyourblog.com
  2. http://www.blogdirs.com/
  3. http://www.blogsdb.com
  4. http://www.bloghints.com
  5. http://www.blogratedirectory.com
  6. http://www.blogsthatfollow.com
  7. http://www.blogtoplist.com
  8. http://carefullypicked.com
  9. http://www.ellysdirectory.com
  10. http://www.freeaddurl.org
  11. http://www.ontoplist.com
  12. http://www.mvomrat.com
  13. http://www.rapidenetwork.eu
  14. http://www.spillbean.com
  15. http://www.thecgisite.com/
  16. http://www.wordpressblogdirectory.com/
  17. http://www.1abc.org
  18. http://www.9sites.net
  19. http://www.a1webdirectory.org
  20. http://www.aaf14.org
  21. http://www.addbusiness.net
  22. http://www.addfreewebdirectory.com
  23. http://www.addurlguide.com
  24. http://www.alistsites.com
  25. http://www.ananar.com
  26. http://www.anoj.org
  27. http://www.bedwan.com
  28. http://www.bestbusinesswebdirectory.com
  29. http://www.bizzdirectory.com
  30. http://www.blogarama.com
  31. http://www.blogs-collection.com
  32. http://www.blogdirectory.ws/
  33. http://www.bloggernity.com/
  34. http://www.bloghub.com
  35. http://www.bloggernow.com
  36. http://www.blogrollcenter.com/
  37. http://www.blogtopsites.com
  38. http://www.blog-search.com
  39. http://blogswirl.com
  40. http://blogville.us
  41. http://blogrific.com
  42. http://www.blogflux.com
  43. http://www.blogdir.co.uk
  44. http://blogsrater.com
  45. http://www.bloglisting.net
  46. http://www.bocaiw.net
  47. http://www.cipinet.com
  48. http://www.cluboo.com
  49. http://www.directoryseo.biz
  50. http://www.freedirectorysubmit.com
  51. http://www.freetoprankdirectory.com
  52. http://www.freewebsitedirectory.com/
  53. http://www.findsites.net
  54. http://fuelmyblog.com
  55. http://www.gainweb.org
  56. http://www.h-log.com
  57. http://www.happal.com
  58. http://www.highrankdirectory.com
  59. http://homepageseek.com/
  60. http://www.hottestblogs.com
  61. http://www.info-listings.com
  62. http://www.informationcrawler.com
  63. http://www.jewana.com
  64. http://www.linkpedia.net
  65. http://www.linkroo.com
  66. http://linksmaximum.com
  67. http://www.link-minded.com
  68. http://www.livepopular.com
  69. http://www.marketingwebdirectory.com
  70. http://www.nexusdirectory.com
  71. http://www.onlinesociety.org
  72. http://www.pegasusdirectory.com
  73. http://picktu.com
  74. http://www.plazoo.com
  75. http://www.prolinkdirectory.com
  76. http://www.promotebusinessdirectory.com
  77. http://www.ranaf.com
  78. http://www.rocktheadored.com
  79. http://www.sites-plus.com
  80. http://www.sitepromotiondirectory.com
  81. http://www.submissionwebdirectory.com
  82. http://somuch.com
  83. http://www.synergy-directory.com
  84. http://www.the-free-directory.co.uk/
  85. http://www.topsiteswebdirectory.com
  86. http://www.urlshack.com
  87. http://www.usgeo.org
  88. http://www.w3catalog.com
  89. http://www.wilsdomain.com
  90. http://www.worldweb-directory.com
  91. http://bloggerhq.net/submit.php
  92. http://bloggeries.com/
  93. http://bloggerinternet.com/
  94. http://bloggernity.com/
  95. http://bloggerschoiceawards.com
  96. http://bloggersdirectory.org/
  97. http://bloggersgold.co.uk/
  98. http://bloggertalk.net/blog-directory.html
  99. http://bloggerteam.com/directory.php
  100. http://blogger-tips.com/directory/
  101. http://bloggingcourt.com/
  102. http://bloggingcritic.com/
  103. http://bloggingdirectory.net/
  104. http://bloggingfusion.com/
  105. http://blogginglist.com/
  106. http://bloggingsmostwanted.com/
  107. http://bloghitlist.com/
  108. http://blogicas.com/directory/
  109. http://blogification.com/
  110. http://blogintro.com/submit/
  111. http://blogio.net/
  112. http://blogirific.com/
  113. http://blogit.com/Blogs/
  114. http://blogitloveit.com/
  115. http://bloglines.com/
  116. http://bloglinker.com/
  117. http://bloglisting.net/
  118. http://bloglisting.net/submit.php
  119. http://bloglookup.com/
  120. http://blogmarking.us/
  121. http://allforblog.com/
  122. http://alltop.com/submission/
  123. http://blogaz.net/
  124. http://blogbal.com/
  125. http://blogbar.net/
  126. ttp://blogbits.com/
  127. http://blogbunch.com/
  128. http://blogbunch.com/suggest/
  129. http://blogcatalog.com/blogs/submit_blog.html
  130. http://blog-catalog.info/
  131. http://blogcertified.com/
  132. http://blogdesam.com/
  133. http://blogdigger.com/
  134. http://blogdir.co.uk/
  135. http://blogdire.com/
  136. http://blogdirectory.ckalari.com/
  137. http://blogdirectory.net/
  138. http://blogdirectory.org.uk/
  139. http://blog-directory.org/add-blog.php
  140. http://blogdirectory.ws/
  141. http://blogdirectory.com/
  142. http://blogdirectorysubmission.com/
  143. http://blogdirs.com/
  144. http://blogmeblog.com/
  145. http://blogmeeting.com/
  146. http://blogoculars.com/
  147. http://blogotion.webs.com
  148. http://blogowogo.com/
  149. http://blogpoint.com/
  150. http://blogpopular.com/
  151. http://blogpopular.net/
  152. http://blogpulse.com/submit.html
  153. http://blogrankers.com/
  154. http://blogrankings.com/addblog.php
  155. http://blogratedirectory.com/
  156. http://blogratings.com/
  157. http://blogrollcenter.com/
  158. http://blogs.com/submit
  159. http://blogs.mediadir.in/
  160. http://blogsallovertheworld.com/
  161. http://blogsbycategory.com/
  162. http://allblogspots.blogspot.com/
  163. http://blogarama.com/
  164. http://dir.blogflux.com/
  165. http://www.blogdigger.com
  166. http://www.plazoo.com/
  167. http://www.blog-search.com/sites/add
  168. http://topofblogs.com
  169. http://www.blogadda.com/
  170. http://addyourblog.com/
  171. http://topblogs.addyourblog.com
  172. http://geekswithblogs.net/Registration/Default.aspx
  173. http://www.ypblogs.com/
  174. http://www.blogzoop.com
  175. http://www.blogdumps.com/index2.php
  176. http://www.fybersearch.com/
  177. http://www.getblogs.com/directory/
  178. http://www.indiblogger.in
  179. http://www.blogsmonitor.com/
  180. http://www.blogsavenue.com
  181. http://www.blogmemes.net
  182. http://blogville.us/
  183. http://blogskinny.com
  184. http://blogdire.com
  185. http://blogsrater.com/
  186. http://fuelmyblog.com
  187. http://topblogging.com/
  188. http://topbloglists.com/
  189. http://www.openblogdirectory.com/
  190. http://goblogz.com/
  191. http://newzalert.com
  192. http://www.writeupcafe.com/
  193. http://www.blogfolders.com/
  194. http://www.blogcatalog.com/
  195. http://www.heliosblogs.com/
  196. http://blogwebdirectory.com/
  197. http://blogvillage.gotop100.com
  198. http://blog.directory-seek.com/
  199. http://wordpressblogdirectory.com/
  200. http://irankblogs.com/
  201. http://www.conseillemoi.net/
  202. http://blokube.com/
  203. http://www.boosterblog.net
  204. http://www.blogsroot.com
  205. http://www.buzzerhut.com
  206. http://www.blogarama.com
  207. http://www.lsblogs.com/
  208. http://listablog.com/
  209. http://www.spreadmyblog.com
  210. http://blogscollection.com

Blog submission sites: Are they really worth it?

So far you have discovered some of the High DA blog submission sites list. some of them are paid but most of them are free.

Now comes the most crucial question, are blog submission sites worth it?

Of course, undoubtedly the free blog submission sites are worth your time. below are some reasons why my top blog submission sites are worth it.

  • Free: Most of the blog submission sites on this page are FREE. So don’t worry you’ll not lose anything if you submit your blog to these blog directories.
  • High DA: Most of the blog submission sites listed on this page have a Domain Authority of more than 30 that can help to improve your website’s ranking.
  • Quick crawling: One of the best reasons that I like is that these blog directories crawl your website fast whenever your website gets updated. so they are really helpful to boost your SEO.

FAQ related to blog submission websites

What is blog submission?

Blog submission is a part of off-page SEO where a user and owner of any blog or website can submit posts/articles related to their blog or site.

Where can I submit blogs?

These are the best sites where you can submit your blog.
Addyourblog (FREE) PR 4. …
ALL-BLOGS (FREE – $25) PR 4. …
AllForBlog (FREE) PR 3. …
Blog-Directory (FREE) PR 6. …
blog-Search (FREE) PR 5. …
Blog Announce (9.95 – 49.95$)PR 4. …
Blogdirectory (FREE – 49$) PR 3. …
Blogflux (FREE) PR 5.

Is Directory Submission good for SEO?

Yes, if you are submitting your blog or site to high-authority blog submission sites or directories then it helps a lot in SEO. You can easily get good chunks of high DA PA safe backlinks for your site. Most blog submission websites give you do-follow links.

Do follow Backlinks List 2025?

List of DoFollow Backlink Profile Creation Sites

Conclusion of best blog submission sites

I hope and expect that this article was helpful to you. And I guess you will submit your blog with these free blog submission sites list 2025 to get some high-quality backlinks for your blog or website.

These free blog submission sites list will help you to build backlinks for your new blog at the initial stage.

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  1. Blog submission sites help to drive traffic to the website and make your website rank higher in SERP. Various high DA blog sharing sites provide you an opportunity to submit your blog and get quality backlink for your website.

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  6. Thanks for share this information. It is very useful to improve the ranking of the site. Almost each and every website was of high authority and sharing a great list of Directory Submission sites.

  7. I was wondering u did not mention the most sought after terminology used in all the blog commenting articles

  8. I have checked manually all sites have good seo matrix such as Trust flow, domain authority and citation flow.

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    Great article, thank you for such in-depth information. I’m definitely going to use the above mention site to help my blog grow. Thank you again


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