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Blogging is something that can change your life, but if you are not doing it professionally, then you are going to lose lots of money.

Today I’m going to show you how to become a professional blogger and start professional Blogging.

We will go in-depth so that you can become a professional blogger, so you promise me that you will read every single line because I know that most people just read headlines and they won’t get any results.

If your question is how to become a professional blogger then by end of this article you will learn everything about becoming a professional blogger.

What I recommend is,

Read like you are reading a book. Not only read but after reading, note it down because if you are Blogging professionally, then you need to implement these techniques.

You will not become a professional blogger if you don’t implement the things on your blog.

Now you will have to pass the six chapters in detail so take out your copy and pen to note some informational points.

So let’s get started.

Pro Blogger, Pro Host

Do you know that what I’ve seen in every professional blogger,

I’ve noticed one thing in every professional blogger that their Hosting is premium,

I have seen many big blogs like BacklinkoNeil Patel, and even more bloggers using premium hosting.

When I was a beginner, I thought that they were mad because their website was also opening and my website was also opening well, so Why they are paying much more than me for hosting,

I didn’t get the answer for some time, but, after learning SEO in detail, I found one major factor that is:


Yes, even Google has publicly declared that speed is a big ranking factor.

Now, I understand why big blogs are using premium hosting, and they use it because Premium hosting helps the website to load fast.

Now you know what happened after getting this information,

I quickly changed My Hosting and decided to shift to Premium Hosting.

Cloudways is a perfect company that provides premium hosting with turbo speed. If you want to shift to premium hosting, you can prefer Cloudways Hosting.

If you don’t have a site, or you are a beginner then you can go for A2 Hosting, and if you have already used any hosting, then learn How to Shift to New Host (Without Downtime) by Searching on Google.

Now, you have a choice, and you can choose any premium hosting.

So, we have just learned that to do Professional Blogging, you need to “SPEED” up your site.

The blog you are currently reading has an average load time of 0.9 seconds.

Also, make sure that your blog Cache is cleared or not. 

If not, use a plugin called “Wp Total Cache, “It’s FREE.

With the WP Total Cache plugin, you can timely clear your website cache and make it faster.

NOTE: If you are not optimizing your website speed, you are hitting AXE on your Foot.

After getting good Hosting, you have taken the first step to becoming a professional blogger.

This was a small chapter, but I want to make it simple.

Let’s move to the next chapter, “How to Write Professionally “?

Write Professionally

This is a Big Question!

“How to Write Professionally on Your Blog”?

 So to write professionally, did you need to be Grammar King?

My answer is NO. Here is the reason,

No one in this world is perfect. Even if we speak with people in any language, we make many grammatical mistakes,

So here is the solution.

There is a Chrome extension called Grammarly that will help you to solve your grammatical mistakes.

Grammarly is the perfect solution to writing smoothly without any grammatical mistakes. The Best Part is that it is FREE!

So the first solution for Grammatical Mistakes is “GRAMMARLY.”

Now, this topic is not just about writing without grammatical mistakes. It is about everything which will help you to write professionally.

So, you must develop a skill to increase your blog conversion. That skill is about convincing people without convincing them, also Called Selling without Selling.

This skill is called “Copy Writing. “

Now you may ask, what is copywriting?

Some of you might know, but some of you may not know about copywriting, but copywriting is a skill of writing in such a way that it can increase your site’s conversion.

In Simple Words,

Copy Writing is a trick writing to get more Sales.

That is why it is one of the most important things for the blogger: A Good Blogger Should be a Good Marketer.

I’ve told you what copywriting is, but you might want to know how we should write to get more sales or affiliates sales?

Affiliate Marketers will become so happy that they will read something that is a gold mine for them.

So, How Should be Write to Get More Sales or Affiliate Sales?


to get this answer, you have to master copywriting skills, but I can tell you, in short, that to get more sales, don’t try to sell them.

For example,

If you are trying to sell a Mobile, here is the Good and the Bad Pitch.

Good pitch

This Mobile Can Make You Life Easier because it is super fast with fast charging, so you can charge it when you have little time. Its Processor is like Rocket but doesn’t expect a DSLR-like camera with this Budget. If you need it, you can buy it. It would be best if you had the investment of 400$ Only.

bad pitch

This Mobile is fast like a rocket. Please buy this phone to make your life easier. It has a fast charger which can charge your mobile so please buy it. The camera is So Good, and the Price is $400.

Now you can see the difference between the two pitches, the first one is a good pitch, and the second one is a bad pitch. 

You can see that the lousy pitch tries to force people to buy the mobile while the good pitch mentions that “if you need, you can buy” to give the audience the freedom to make their decision.

Don’t force them; write the products’ benefits and let them decide.

Do You Know What is Salary of a Professional Blogger?

It’s Unlimited

Professional Bloggers earn a tremendous amount of money and writing is a part of it.

I also suggest you enjoy writing blogs because if you get bored, then how will you maintain consistency, how will you grow,

Note it Down – Work More than You Earn so that You Can Earn More than you work.

This is all about writing, and I’m not going to waste your time. The next thing you need is to master SEO.

Master the SEO

SEO is such an important factor for any blog, and you must nearly master the SEO for your site.

So the question is How to Master the SEO for Professional Blogging?

Here is the deal,

You might know the basics of SEO; if you don’t, you must learn basic SEO to run your blog.

Here is the Basic SEO Checklist:

  • Make Sure Your Heading Contain Your Target Keywords
  • Make Sure to Include Your Target Keyword in the First Paragraph
  • Sprinkle Some LSI Keywords 
  •  Make Sure to Use media (e.g., Images, Videos, etc.)
  • Make Sure Your Image Contains ALT Tags
  •  Make Sure Your Article is Above 500 Words

I think that’s enough basic SEO you need to know about and implement in every blog post.

But, do you think essential is enough?

Well, it may be for a less competitive niche,

But In a Competitive Niche/Category, you need to know some advanced SEO tricks to implement on your blog.

Google uses over 200+ Major Ranking Factors,

But maximum of these are dependent on each other,

and this is the Good News,

You only need to master some top Ranking Factors, and you’ll be unstoppable. The few major ranking factors are:

  • Content
  • Backlinks
  • Page Speed
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Dwell Time

Let’s Breakdown each of them-

Content is the King, you might know this dialogue, but it is true.

The Number 1 Ranking Factor is “Content” 

If you have a spun or low-quality article, you will not rank on Google.

Some people think that Blogging starts paying you when you write, but I believe that Blogging is like a cricket game, so build your innings. Don’t try to hit Six.

I’ve never seen a famous blogger who doesn’t work for at least five years.

The Reality of Blogging is that you have to Work in Front of a Computer for Hours.

So write in-depth content, don’t just cover from the top.

Nowadays, people like to read in-depth, so they write in-depth content.


Guys, believe me,

Life is very tough in Blogging without Backlinks.

You have to Build Links to Make Money Blogging.

So How Will You Build Links?

The answer is that you have to Master the Art of Link Building,

So another question is how do you master the art of Building Links,

So the answer is by Searching on Google for that,

Search and read all the Link Building guides over there on Google.

Watch the Video Below to Master the Link Building?

After watching this video, You get information about Link Building and How to Build Links.

Page Speed

Another Big Ranking factor is Page Speed, and if your website page speed is slow, then definitely google will not going to give you much value, 

Because these days it is all about speed, the Better your Web Page Load, the better you will rank. Amazon Lost 1% Money on every Second their website Delays (That’s a Lot of Money)

Watch the video below and figure out how to speed up your website.

Some WordPress plugins like WP Rocket will help you clear your cache and speed up your site, which will help you become a professional blogger.

Mobile Friendliness

Make sure your website is Mobile Friendly,

This type of website adapts its size to every device, whether it is mobile, desktop, or tablet.

You can take a mobile-friendly test created by Google to help developers test their websites.

If your site is not mobile-friendly, you will lose your mobile ranking, which can significantly reduce your revenue.

Dwell Time

What is Dwell Time?

It is the Duration of time visitors spend on your blog post.

Dwell time is directly proportional to ranking. If you have more dwell time, you will get a higher ranking.

So How You Can Increase Your Dwell Time?

The answer is so simple, 

Work on User Experience,

As we know, google chrome is owned by Google, and it takes the data of all the sites we have visited and sends it to Google search bots.

It might also record the time duration and then send it to Google bots to rate the site higher or lower.

So the more you have a good user experience, the better you rank.

Here are quick tips to Increase your Dwell Time.

  • Write Long Articles.
  • Uses Colorful Attractive Images
  • Write Blog Post Beautifully
  • The paragraph should not contain more than 2-4 lines.

So, I hope this helps you so much.

This is all about how you can master SEO. Now let’s move to our next chapter, “How We Can Utilize Social Platforms.”

Utilize the Social Platform

Professional Bloggers always utilize social media for their benefit.

But Why?

Because Social Media is something that can take you to the next level.

There are so many benefits of social media.

  • Interaction with Fans
  • Build your Brand
  • Post Some Announcement

Let’s break down each of them.

Interaction with Fans

You can always post your photos or something to interact with your fans, which is the power of social media.

Nowadays, every social network has a feature called “Status/Story.”

and you can constantly interact with your fans and ask some questions there.

That is why I like using social media, and my favorite one is Instagram and Facebook.

Build Your Brand

Social media can increase your brand value, and branding will also help you to rank better in Google searches.

Suppose there is Brand A with 10,000 Monthly Searches and Brand B with 1,00,000 Monthly Searches and both have lots of money to spend on SEO, so who will rank higher?

The Answer is Brand B because B Branding is much better than A. That is how Google decides,

so if you have good branding, then you can outrank anyone.

Post Some Announcements

Suppose you are buying one day and you can’t publish a blog post as per schedule, or you want to go live on youtube,

so my question is, how your views will know much more minor things,

Do you publish a post or youtube videos for a small event?

Definitely No…

Here comes Social Media Again to help you.

I called Social Media a Tool to engage with your audience and bring them back to your blog.

So, by utilizing social platforms, you can really give some extra value to your audience, and you can also bring them back to read your content.

If you have more followers, you will get more social shares; if you get more social shares, your ranking will increase indirectly.

Some tools will help you to get more social shares. Read this post on social sharing.

Now I’m assuming that you are leveraging all social media channels, whether it is Youtube, Facebook, google plus, or even Pinterest.

Don’t underestimate Pinterest because Pinterest itself has the power to bring thousands of visitors to your site.

Previously I’ve used Pinterest, and the post on Pinterest is ranking on the first page.

Never underestimate Instagram as well because now in these days, people are spending more time on Instagram than on any other social platform.

My suggestion is to use all social media, but here are some sites that are mandatory to use – 

  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Google Plus
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest

If you are using these sites to grow your blog, then you are doing great because there is one significant ranking factor of Google.

Trust heavily impacts your ranking if you use these social networks. 

In other words, Social Networks increase trust in the eye of Google, which slowly makes your site authoritative.

I’m saying this because I’ve done so many professional blogging courses, and almost everyone says that Social Media is a crucial element in Blogging.

To become a good blogger, you must do hard work, including social media promotion. 

Social media promotion is not dull, and it is boring only if you have fewer followers. If you have good followers, then you will enjoy it.

Email Marketing

Hello Email!

Yes, Say Hello to Email Marketing.

First of all, try to grab the email of every person on your site.

You can use exit popups by the OptinMonster, so your user experience remains good.

You can use the top sticky head email option to create a high-converting landing page.

You can try different ways to build a list.

Learn How to Grow Your Email List by Watching 3 Minute Video

So you have watched this video, and you know some methods to build a list, after building a list you need automation software.

Professional Bloggers automate everything. For example, they are in London but getting affiliate commissions because of the automation.

I also recommend automating everything with Email Marketing Automation Software.

I recommend using Aweber because everyone, whether a prominent blogger or marketer, recommends Aweber as the best email automation tool.

Here is what Matt says about Aweber.

“Our Company has Benefitted tremendously from Working with Aweber” – “Matt Jacobs” from “Film style Life.”

So as you can see above, there are too many people like Matt who got success when they switched to Aweber.

There are many marketing automation tools, and you can go with anyone even SendinBlue is Free with some limits.

It’s your choice to go with any email marketing tool.

Email Marketing is not easy. You have to learn a little, but once you get to master it then, you can crush it to make money.

Now you have captured the email and set up the automation tool. If you don’t know how to set up email automation, google it.

After setting email automation tool now, it’s time to do real email marketing.

Email Marketing is strategically sending a sequence of emails to get more sales.

Below there is an Email Marketing Funnel by Outbound Engine. Let’s have a look at it.

This funnel discusses how one can get more referral business but leave a referral for a few minutes. Let’s look at the actual email marketing plan.

Here is the Email Marketing Plan.

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action/Purchase

There are four modules. Let’s look at each of them to remind you that we are learning every element to become professional bloggers.


Your first target through email marketing should be creating awareness about your product. 

So when the users have signup for your newsletter, don’t send them the product directly. First, spread awareness.

Give them free content so they become happy and aware of who you are and what you are doing.

Also, try to educate them about yourself as much as you can.

The more they are familiar with you, the chances are they will convert later into a customer.

Give them free stuff like PDFs, Videos, etc.

So, first, spread awareness about you, your brand, and your product.


Now, after creating awareness, let’s move into level 2, which is interest.

Now it’s time to create interest in your product.

This directly means that you create a NEED for your product.

You can create a need by telling them that your strategies are old and outdated, so they need some new techniques.

If you are selling Hosting, you can create a need by saying that NO Hosting provides Turbo Speed. Only this Hosting provides Turbo speed. This is just an example to show you.


This is one of the most significant and crucial stages where you have to create desire in a person’s mind.

Now how would you create desire?

The answer is by giving them bonuses, a one-time discount offer, or something like this.

It may be a deal that lasts for one day only.

You have to send emails to create desire in people’s minds.


This is the final email type you will send, which will make people buy your product or service.

This could be a straight email that deals are ending soon.

And one more thing that uses the call to action like “Take Action Now,” “Reserve Your Slot,” “Book Your Slot,” “Grab this Deal,” and “Use this Coupon.”

These are the words that are highly convertible and make people buy your product instantly.

And remember that you must send this in the final email; otherwise, it will not work.

This is how email marketing works in 4 Stages.

You can’t convert directly, but if you follow this 4 step process, you will rock as a professional blogger.

Build Your Team

As your blog grows, you are getting a good amount of money, and now it’s time to build up your team.

If you want to scale your blog to the next level, then it is necessary to have teamwork.

If you have a team, you can complete 1 Week of work in 2 days which will give you massive ROI if you work correctly.


here is the question: “When You Should Build Your Team “?

My answer is that when you start getting $1000/month from your blog, you should build your empire.

It will be fun, and you can 10X your income in a month if you know the right way of Blogging.

How to Handle the Team?

To handle your team, assign work to everyone. Give them a task, and give them a bonus if they work fast.

That’s the correct way to handle the team. Give them keywords to write a blog post about, and then you can optimize it to make more SEO Friendly and then publish it.

Working with a team sometimes becomes a headache because some members don’t do the hard work; in this case, you can fire them from the job.

Yes, you can give them some freedom, but if your team member gets too much freedom, they focus less on your blog.

Behave like a good person, give your salary on time, and your team member will always work hard for you.

Have dinner with them in a month, do a meeting every week, a select member of the week, member of the month so that all people become active and do hard work.

If you only do this, you will succeed tremendously in your blogging career.

Also, don’t forget to motivate your team timely. You can book 1 class for motivation per week.

Monthly publish your site progress and give bonuses to those people whose article was ranked higher.

You can see many professional blog examples like neilpatel.com, backlinko.com, and more. They all have a team, so they get more time to spend on off-page SEO and promotion.

So, that’s it,

It is all about professional Blogging.

Professional Blogging Needs a Professional Attitude

Yes, your attitude will make you the best blogger, the professional kind of blogger. 

You might be thinking that what is the role of attitude in this? Then let me tell you that Blogging professionally needs to think bigger.

You have to reply to your email professionally, and you have to talk professionally. You need to behave like a professional.

You might be thinking, how do I talk and all this stuff? Then let me tell you that you believe you are a huge blogger.

Think big, then you will achieve big.

Think like some pro bloggers. Act as a professional.

So changing your attitude and determination will help you to succeed in Blogging.

Final Thought on Professional Blogging

Blogging Professionally needs some tools, automation, and teamwork. You must master SEO to give the right task to the right people.

I can promise you that if you start blogging in the right way and do blog promotion in the right way, your blog will surely grow.

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